Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pop Art !

These are my pop art faces. I used primary colours in the bottom version, complimentary in the middle, and random pretty colours in top version.
As my picture is very simple I tried to jazz it up by using bright colours that somewhat contrast. My favourite is the bottom one with the blue red and yellow colours because they contrast very well and show the features of my face. My least favourite is the top picture because I felt I rushed it and the colour choices weren't the best. The purple in the background is a little bland and doesn't work very well with the hair colour. Overall Im not so happy with my pictures and believe if I spend more time I could have done a lot better.


  1. O.M.G. as they say...is this really your reflection? I know you were having a bad day, and I suspect that you don't really want me to mark this:(

  2. Thank you for expanding your write up.Do you notice that the details of your face are much crisper in the bottom version? In the other two there is something about the interaction of the adjacent colours that makes the shapes blurry. As a result the top two look like they belong together and the bottom one looks odd next to them. If you read the instructions to this task, it was all about colour selection and in fact asked you to use the same three colours in each rendering, but just in different places. I don 't know what's up but your effort is not what it could be:(
